Complete and Utter Fools are trying to run our Government
Have you heard of these Jokers from the Brady Campaign? ..the Mayors coalition against private handgun sales? These idiots (in true 'Blame Someone Else' fashion) are trying to blame the Columbine Massacre on.. hand gun sales. Yup, throw the second amendment out the window, We've got to make sure high school kids can't buy handguns. ..wait.. isn't that already against the law?
Anyway, here's my open letter, already signed, sealed and delivered:
You are all a bunch of bumbling morons. This is the information age, get a clue. You can't keep people from doing things by innocuously passing laws as a band-aid or stop gap. In this day and age people are going to find ways to do things. You want to teach them something? Teach them to be responsible with firearms. THAT'S the key that's missing in today's youth. You want to know why kids blow up high schools? Because no one in this 'nobody fails' government will allow the two kids to duke it out behind the library in the third grade.
Unfortunately, by doing this, you folks have basically 'screwed the pooch' on an entire generation. I can only see one way to actually repair the damage, and this is it.
Step 1) Force everyone in the country to carry a handgun.
Step 2) Watch society get really polite, really quick.
In a couple of months all the psychos and gang-bangers will kill each other off and everyone will be happy.
Let's just call that a win / win / win scenario.