
We are slaughtering wolves in Alaska

I have a couple of things on the back burner that need posting, but this just came across my desk, and I want to get the word out now.

- T

It will take no more than 30 seconds out of your life to sign this petition and stop a horrible injustice. The slaughter of wolves in their last refuge, the wastelands of Alaska. On your honor, do it now:


If you want to take the time to read more, here's my take on it, just don't delete this email until you've gone to the link above and signed it:

We are massacreing wolves living in tight knit family units in Alaska. I feel like throwing up when I think about what the surviving wolves must think of us humans. I am completely outraged. We are responsible for them as the caretakers of the earth. We are breaking almost every virtue there is. Trust, honor, valor, justice.. all right out the window. What is the motivation behind this? Greed? Avarice? This must stop, NOW!

Forward this to everyone you know, I did. Everyone I am sending this to knows I NEVER do that, but this time, I am. You took the time to read this much, now do something about it.

- T

Here is a copy of the email I received:

Alaska's wolves won a temporary reprieve when a state court recently ruled against the state's aerial gunning program. But Alaska's Board of Game has already taken emergency action to reverse the court's decision, and as of January 26th, the state was once again able to issue aerial gunning permits for wolves.

Twenty-four wolves have been killed this season alone. More than 400 wolves have been killed over the past 3 winters and the new plans target approximately 400 more.

Aerial gunning is a brutal practice. Marksmen can gun down wolves from the air that are easy targets against the fallen snow. Or they can run the wolves to exhaustion, then land and shoot them at point blank range.

Help us put an end to Alaska's aerial gunning programs once and for all. Tell Interior Secretary Gale Norton to do her job and finally enforce the Federal Airborne Hunting Act.


This brutal murder of innocent wolves must be stopped!!!!They are a much needed part of the food chain, as they only kill the weak and old of the herd.
With that , they insure the strength of whatever prey their after ... The wolf is a much needed part of nature, to keep all balanced! PLEASE PEOPLE, HELP STOP This horrible travisty!!!!!!!!
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